Movies : that ends with a sad note, makes me feel low!
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i don't like the sad, tragic ending of movies. i don't mean they are vulgar or poor, but because i could not recover from their long lasting effects. they pull me back. they have lasted in my memories. why so? i don't know. why each of the scene is clearly visible in the mind? do they speak some reality about ourselves, that who we are? and what life is all about? or is it the death, loss which is the ultimate story and defining moment of life, that these movies depicts? the
Anand movie starring Rajesh Khanna made me cry. And the reason was not that disease which he was suffering from, in the movie, but the song of the movie
zindagi kaisi hai paheli... the innocent look of Rajesh Khanna, with bunch of balloons in one hand, wearing a simple
kurta, strolling near the beach and singing the above song. the close up shots, the pain and the smile on his face (beautifully depicted!).....all this broke my patience, my ego, my strength, my guts to survive the coming tragedy, that was on the way in the movie. i couldn't hide my tears. i didn't feel good. i couldn't pacify my heart. i could not smile. and last i did n't feel good, at all. i never watched it again.
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.....then i don't know what happened, i unknowingly watched the movie Forrest Gump, starring Tom Hanks, with initial impression in my mind, of a light movie. but at the end with that
Feather, flying in the air, my hopes, got shattered, i felt low. Tom Hanks lost his girlfriend/wife. the end shot near the grave of hers...with Forrest Gump trying hard to control his tears, unsuccessful, breaks into the tears, and here i...
no doubt the above movies were flawless, excellent storyline, excellent acting, casting, direction, narration, won several prestigious awards...and are remembered, not only in words but in hearts. but here, my heart complains...why i watched them??
- Harish Benjwal