
मन की बात

भाग १ दिल जिसे कह ना सका  अगर बात करें तो फ़ालतू ही लगेगी। मगर बात तो थी। दस साल पहले की । मुझे तो ऐतिहासिक जान पड़ रही है । जी मैं उस दौर की बात कर रहा हूँ जब बॉलीवुड को गोविन्दा की चटख और अटपटे परिधानों से निजात मिली । ज़्यादा घुमाना अब ठीक ना रहेगा । आज से दस साल पहले मैंने कॉलेज यानी महाविद्यालय में दाख़िला पाया । स्वाभाविक है जवान था स्फूर्ति थी, मासूमियत और ख़ुद की अहमियत थी । मैंने कॉलेज में दाख़िला लिया । कॉलेज कर्मों के अनुरूप मिला । दक्षिण भारत के इष्ट देव श्री वेंकटेश्वर के नाम से। प्यार से इसे 'वेंकि' पुचकारते थे और हैं । मुझे उस ज़माने ने बहुत से भौतिक सुख सुविधाओं से अलग रखा। फर्ज़ के लिए snapdragon ५१० चिप्सेट, ५ इंच hd, २ gb रैम युक्त फ़ोन, स्टाइलिश कपड़े, फ़लाँ फ़लाँ । कुल मिलाकर स्कूल बदला लेकिन जीवन kucchu की तरह रह गया । अंकल वाले कपड़ों जैसा ड्रेसिंग सेन्स, आनंद कम्पनी उद्योग विहार, पीरगढ़ी के वो जूते और बारहवीं कक्षा से जैसे तैसे बचा हुआ वो बैग। इनका साथ कॉलेज में भी ना छूट सका। ख़ैर! कॉलेज के जीवन में दो रोचक प्रसंग हुए और दोनों हास्यास्पद। ज्ञात रहे प्रे...

The Google Maps : Companion.

It was the 1st day of year 2016. A new year. Happy New Year. And my friend all of a sudden called me, and requested to make atleast one visit to his house. This visit was one of the most anticipated one. Not because of it was being carried out by me for the first time. But, because of me being adamant to visit friends' houses frequently, as societal norms. Before hanging up, my friend asked me - " route to pata hai na ?" (Are you aware of route?). I said -"Ya! Ya! I will be there by 6pm, make some good arrangement for drinks" .................................... Now, here was the word that I skipped during the conversation was "Route" Route I know (Really?) Last time I went. Have to take straight road, then on the roundabout has to make a first exit. Then further to Subhramaniyam marg, and....umm..roundabout again comes...😁 then?? I am not sure, I was not sure. But I will take it as a challenge, I saw clock it was 3pm. Still 3 hours. ....................

Bald Confessions

Bald confession Well, not a boring long story. As you have seen or read somewhere. Its about me again. I am the protagonist. It happened, I felt the hairline  was receding. And god! Greying too. My pride and my crown was depleting. I didn't  complete my 30s and I was still, unmarried. And here, I was preoccupied with my thoughts and thoughts of others. I was worried, all I can say. In our lives there comes a moment when we have conversation diaoherea, when people loses subject to discuss, and comes the filler topic of personal front -physical appearances. And it's universal, as far my experience goes. The scapegoat is the already depressed (read: bald), who has been escaping since long when you people exchanged hi and hellos at some get together; to not be a centre of discussion, even remotely. But is unlucky. On a positive note some even help you, or at least show they are. And topic of hair fall is ubiquitous. It will pop in some how. It's  curious case of hair f...

The MOBILE artist

The MOBILE artist Disclaimer : intentional boasting of my art work maybe palpable in the following columns . Dear Reader, They say art and artist are born and not made. So in my case you can follow the dictum - ' self praise is my recommendation ' because I have become a momentary artist, a new found hobby. Indeed artists are born and not made. Each one of us have some hidden art or talent and artist inside us.  From doodling into last page of my notebook or diary to recent know how of mobile art, it has been a very short journey in quick succession. i have never been a good artist. There has been several reasons for it and to blame for. The first, i would blame is the 14 inch black & white television for 17 years which tortured my psyche during my childhood. It got reflected in my art classes, during primary schooling I doodled more with black strokes (pencil colours, crayon or poster colour, more black) :) So, my art world was more black and white. my eyes beca...


 जननी  आँचल के छाँव से दूर और भूली हुई लोरियों से  ना कभी का वास्ता प्रतिबिम्भ कल्पनाओं से भी परे ना तेरे वात्सल्य प्रेम की सुगंध से है जननी तू मेरी अनेक अभेद मर्म से। कई बसंत संग जो बीत गए केश रंग भी तो उड़ गये दरारों से पट  चुका अब तेरा ये बेजान चेहरा और नसों का निरंतर सिकुड़ना फिर भी 'खोखली' मुस्कान में तेरी आज भी निश्छल खरा वही सुकून है तेरी कामनाओं में मेरी जीत है मैं  तो  बस एक उम्मीद हूँ तेरी तेरा ये 'लालमणि'   Far from the comfort of your love and from your forgettable lullabies distant from the imagination and from your unconditional affection you are my mother - a synonym of hardships several years have gone so fast even your hair now seems to be dull with a face full of destiny lines old and calm your veins now seems shrunk then again your smile have not lost the charm to console your child it's same as it was before, sweet and predictable your blessings always makes me win as am just a hope for ...

A Beautiful Mind

From the broken pieces of our past And till the time I breath my last You will be remembered, every moment My sweet angel, sweet lovable sweetheart From the embraces to the kisses of souls We have moved together From the disagreements and your complains We have rised together And see.. I don't speak that much in your silence But the moment says to clasp firmly Because we are meant to be together, forever.

अग्नि परीक्षा

अग्नि परीक्षा   मान भी लें वक़्त तुम्हारे साथ नहीं और पहले से हालात नहीं पर जो तुम थमकर रुक गए दफ़न 'उम्मीद' वहीं तुम जम गए। हर बात पर जो तुम झुक रहे और कहने से तुम रुक रहे यह बात है तुम्हारी दीक्षा चुनौतियों की है अग्निपरीक्षा जो खिल गए तो बसंत हो नीरस पतझड़ का अंत हो। वहम दिल का जो फ़ितूर है लक्ष्य बस वहीं तक का दूर है सीढ़ियाँ ले संग जो अपना सगा है उसी ने तो दिल को तेरे ठगा है। दहकता तेरा रोष सही और भभकती तपिश कहे यही एकल तू अजेय फ़ौज है असंख्य लहरों की मौज है टीस भरे उन्माद का और चोटिल तेरे हर ज़ज्बात का होती रहेगी यूं अग्निपरीक्षा।। - हरीश बेंजवाल