Bald Confessions

Bald confession Well, not a boring long story. As you have seen or read somewhere. Its about me again. I am the protagonist. It happened, I felt the hairline was receding. And god! Greying too. My pride and my crown was depleting. I didn't complete my 30s and I was still, unmarried. And here, I was preoccupied with my thoughts and thoughts of others. I was worried, all I can say. In our lives there comes a moment when we have conversation diaoherea, when people loses subject to discuss, and comes the filler topic of personal front -physical appearances. And it's universal, as far my experience goes. The scapegoat is the already depressed (read: bald), who has been escaping since long when you people exchanged hi and hellos at some get together; to not be a centre of discussion, even remotely. But is unlucky. On a positive note some even help you, or at least show they are. And topic of hair fall is ubiquitous. It will pop in some how. It's curious case of hair f...