
Showing posts from March, 2012

Internet World

Image Courtesy : Internet World : The baby steps! School tried to teach me the ABC of computer, internet and other aspects of it. And I was never interested in big heavy words like DOS, Commands, Word, Office, Paint blah blah. Common yaar! They are stagnant things. Just like dictionaries. Those concepts were never interesting, just a pain to even look at them. Look at the Internet always buzzing, happening. There was Lot of stuffs for everyone. But use of Internet was banned for us in the school. And many of us used to get caught by the teacher for accessing it. And then the stern look of the teacher, as there exist no such word called CURIOSITY. We used mellow down like a helpless lamb. So this was how the Internet world remained an area of curiosity for me. Then I got a simple Nokia mobile phone with facility of GPRS. Now what was this GPRS I didn’t know at first, then I opened the manual and there I found that it was something related to th...

kullu Dusshera.pdf - - document sharing - download - HARISH BENJWAL

Image kullu Dusshera.pdf - - document sharing - download - HARISH BENJWAL: kullu Dusshera.pdf

Rail Milaap

रेल मिलाप : सफ़र ज़िन्दगी का! Image courtesy : कहते हैं इंसान की ज़िन्दगी उतार - चढ़ाव , सुखद - दुखद अनुभवों का एक ताना - बाना है . कोई धागा कभी खिसक जाए तो ताल - मेल ही बिगड़ जाए . खैर ! ये कारवाँ तो चलता ही रहेगा . मैं चाहता था की आप से कुछ सुखद   पहलुओं  पे थोड़ा चर्चा की जाए .  वैसे ये जरूरी तो नहीं की हम लोग हर वक़्त   गमहीन   रहें ?  क्यूँ भाई ठीक कहा ? तो मैं कहाँ था ?  हाँ ! मैं बात कर रहा था सुखद अनुभवों की , ऐसे पल जब हमारे अन्दर का शिशु बड़ी - बड़ी नज़रों से दुनिया को ताकता है . ऐसे पलों में मुझे रेलगाड़ी का सफ़र सबसे बेहतरीन लगता है . मुझे सुकून की अनुभूति मिलती है रेल में . एक पटरी पर कोसों मील का सफ़र , रफ़्तार एक सी , निरंतर , दिन - रात . कभी खेत - खलिहान , तो कभी दूर एक छोटा सा घर . कभी किसी पुल पर धडधडाती हुई , तो कभी जंगलों में पसरा हुआ सन्नाटा  एक पल में लोगों की...

Mumbai Jogging!

Photo : Mumbai as seen from my camera! Mumbai Jogging: Sense of Belonging! DISCLAIMER : It's true that we can't understand a place, its people, society, human psyche and culture in a week. I am not saying that whatever has been observed by me is the ultimate truth for Mumbai. Maybe am wrong. As this is an individual observation/experience. But I can say this is my IMPRESSION about this city which will remain till I get an opportunity to be there for a longer time. So you are wondering why the title Mumbai Jogging? Well, that is what I felt in Mumbai, throughout my stay here. I was in Mumbai last week. This was my first trip to this city. From the morning till evening the cool breeze from the sea shore kept me enthusiastic, full of spirit. It felt like I was jogging here, no fatigue, simply fresh. I heard, read a lot about Mumbai. No doubt Bollywood movies provided a window to this place. Hey! Doesn’t every one of us feel that we all know lot about Mumbai? So...

Janjira fort.pdf - - document sharing - download

Janjira fort.pdf - - document sharing - download: Janjira fort.pdf